The city of Salisbury and Catawba College served as host to the 2023 NC BikeWalk Transportation Summit, September 14-16. The 208 registered attendees from 59 North Carolina cities and towns were treated to speaker sessions covering topics such as, Transportation Demand Management, funding opportunities, developing library partnerships, as well as programming and funding success stories from around the state.
Erick Cedeño, The Bicycle Nomad, delivered the day’s keynote address on his experiences traveling the country by bicycle, and how investment in infrastructure in different areas has shaped his experiences.
National representatives from both Trips For Kids and The League of American Bicyclists selected BikeWalkNC’s Summit to formally announce that the two organizations have teamed up to help bring equity to youth cycling through their combined membership and award-winning ride, safety and education programs.
Active Saturday sessions included walk audits of two local neighborhoods in addition to a bike ride to the NC Transportation Museum, which generously displayed their exhibit, Eccentric Cycles: Unique Bicycles and the Stories Behind Them.
Coverage of the 2023 Summit by the Salisbury Post can be found here.