Anna Zivarts is a low-vision parent, nondriver and author of When Driving Is Not an Option: Steering Away from Car Dependency (Island Press, 2024). She directs the Disability Mobility Initiative at Disability Rights Washington, where she organizes to bring the voices of nondrivers to the planning and policy-making tables. Anna sits on the board of the League of American Bicyclists and serves as a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Public Health and Transportation, and helped to launch the national “Week Without Driving” challenge, which runs from September 30 to October 6 this year.
In her book, Anna notes that one third of people living in the United States do not have a driver’s license. Many of the involuntary nondrivers are disabled, lower income, unhoused, formerly incarcerated, undocumented immigrants, kids, young people, and the elderly. We are also largely invisible due to a mobility system designed almost exclusively for drivers.
Zivarts explains that when the needs of involuntary nondrivers are viewed as essential to how we design our transportation systems and our communities, not only will we be able to more easily get where we need to go, but the changes will lead to healthier, climate-friendly communities for everyone. To inspire action, Zivarts demonstrates how communities across the United States are using the Week Without Driving challenge to build consensus around the urgent need for more inclusive and accessible transportation and communities.
Registration for the Summit opened May 27!
Are you or your organization interested in helping to support this year’s NC BikeWalk Transportation Summit? Sponsoring is a way to show your support for clean, healthy, active transportation, and safe roads for all users. It is also a visible way of showing that your organization is interested in the health, vitality, and equity able and economic benefits that communities designed to support active transportation reflect.
More information can be found in our online sponsorship package available HERE or on our sponsorship registration page HERE.
We look forward to seeing you in Chapel Hill in September!