Bicyclist Safety and Law Enforcement in North Carolina
Police play an essential role in supporting bicycle transportation by enforcing the traffic laws that allow all road users to reach their destinations safely. As bicycle travel has grown in popularity, the public has asked law enforcement to become more involved in bicycling issues. This can present challenges for police, because misconceptions about safe bicycling practices and state law are widespread among the public. The Bicyclist Safety and Law Enforcement in-service training program was developed in cooperation with the Raleigh, Cary and NC State University police departments to provide the most accurate and relevant information available to NC police officers. The program covers relevant traffic laws, common crash types and frequency, best bicycling practices, and effective enforcement techniques so that law enforcement officers can be confident when discussing bicycling issues with the public, and can effectively prioritize related enforcement and outreach activities to promote public safety.
Video of Full Presentation:
Bicyclist Safety and Law Enforcement in North Carolina from NC Active Transportation on Vimeo.
- Traffic Laws Video (9 Minutes)
- Lesson Plan (.pdf)
- Lesson Plan (.doc)
- Slides with Speaker Notes (.pdf)
- PowerPoint Slide Presentation (.pptx)
A test with answer key is also available. Please contact us for more information.
Sample Images: