Below is a list of local/regional, statewide and national organizations working to improve people-powered transportation.
* denotes BikeWalk NC membership
Local/Regional Resources (in NC)
- Bicycling in Greensboro*
- Durham Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Commission
- Raleigh Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Commission
- Sustain Charlottte
- Walkable Hillsborough Coalition (Facebook group)
North Carolina Resources
National Resources
- Alliance for Biking and Walking
- America Bikes
- Bikes Belong
- Complete Streets Coalition
- League of American Bicyclists
- National Center for Biking and Walking
- National Center for Safe Routes to School
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
- Rails to Trails Conservancy
- Transportation for America
Looking for other advocates and experts?
- Connect with other advocates in NC through the BikeWalk NC Facebook Page
- Contact our Board of Directors
- Attend, present or volunteer at the NC Bicycle Summit
- Participate in other local BikeWalk NC events